209 похожих чатов

Will you be able to unstake in Ethereum if you

staked for 5555 days? Or will Ethereum not allow a long stake like that to unstake?

9 ответов

15 просмотров

You can unstake any amount at any time. But you have to be ready to lose as much of it as possible and to pay the gas fee.

At 30M gas block limit you can endstake a 5555 day stake without problems. It is extremely unlikely for the Ethereum foundation to set a lower limit for the blocks. Utmost it will be increased as internet and validators improve.

M-K Автор вопроса
Thank you.

M K (1) has increased reputation of Nenad [I won't dm you] (3339)

M-K Автор вопроса
Thank you.

M K (1) has increased reputation of Sun Shine (14)

how much is gas fee

It depends on the amount of hex to unstake; the time of the day your doing it; Eth transactions etc

Sun Shine
It depends on the amount of hex to unstake; the ti...

Guide on how to unstuck transactions: To find your nonce use @iamstuckbot FIRST: https://metamask.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360015489251-How-to-Speed-Up-or-Cancel-a-Pending-Transaction SECOND: https://support.metamask.io/hc/en-us/articles/360015488891-How-to-clear-your-account-activity-reset-account If you can't swap, try PLS to PLSX, if that works and transactions comes up, the other token that doesn't work for you is most likely a scam or rebased token.

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