210 похожих чатов

IMO the best response to exchange delistings is to wrap

some of it in eth and sell on dexes. Not private but neither are cexes. Accomplishes same goal of exposing it to people who don’t want privacy but like the idea of privacy. Has there been talk of this?

2 ответов

8 просмотров

vARRR (currently in testnet) is coming soon. vARRR will be traded 1:1 with ARRR. We did a recent TwitterX space on vARRR. https://x.com/PirateChain/status/1764697661980942492?s=20 There is also Komodo Wallet, a non-custodial decentralized exchange that really functions as a true peer-to-peer atomic swap. https://komodoplatform.com/en/wallets.html I learned some things on the vARRR TwitterX space as well. Pirate Chain's focus is as a private and anonymous cryptocurrency for peer-to-peer transactions. Pirate Chain itself probably wouldn't be branching out into things like NFTs, but it sounds like vARRR and VerusIDs will allow for some of those capabilities.

cryptoriddle- Автор вопроса
Amy Voluntary
vARRR (currently in testnet) is coming soon. vARRR...

Yes, I saw this on the medium after I commented. Very promising

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