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Was having a couple of team members attend the largest

AI conference in person just not in the budget? It's ok, maybe next year.
The good news is everyone here can also attend remotely for free. Just register on Nvidia's website. So we can be on the same level as a 7 year old project with thousands of ETH if we want to start an AI startup someday. 😁

14 ответов

19 просмотров

These eth are clearly not for the project and marketing, if they even have such a department

We decided to allocate our resources elsewhere.

These eth are clearly not for the project and mark...

We’ve been to many conferences. IMO it’s better to pick and choose which ones to attend than to attend all of them with nothing to show for it except an empty bank account.

Jean-Paul Автор вопроса
We’ve been to many conferences. IMO it’s better to...

Don't tweet a photo of the Nvidia founder and CEO then say you're attending the largest AI conference remotely for free lol. Reminds me omisego marketing. I'm just building my crypto AI portfolio and trying to see who the serious players are. Nothing personal.

We’ve been to many conferences. IMO it’s better to...

I personally think it is more a matter of spending time wisely than risking an empty bank account. I think it is smart to attend this nvidia event in an efficient way. Tbh, the event seems to be a bit overhyped/massive and I wonder what attending in person would really offer to iExec. I prefer this ccc event. Same big players (intel, nvidia, microsoft etc) and more focused on combination of AI & confidential computing. IExec’s niche. https://x.com/confidentialc2/status/1765784981685641536?s=46&t=xXRFcY32PRm2DUCQspzsoA

I personally think it is more a matter of spending...

I personally followed our application for this event with Anthony the Head of Research

Nelly iExec | Adoption
I personally followed our application for this eve...

Hello, I'm trying to get in contact with someone from the iExec team. I work for Secret Network, and we're working on some similar things in regards to confidential computation with TEEs. We have an idea that we'd like to discuss with your team. Would you be able to connect me with someone?

I personally think it is more a matter of spending...

I agree here, but their initiatives may be as confidential as their computing platform. But missing GTC, and the conference of AI..sad face again. Wish yall were going to be there. We dropped 5% of our liquid budget so our team of 8 can make GTC + expenses. Even with our inception discount. It's not a cheap trip for sure.m.but the networking alone is a huge plus.

Nelly iExec | Adoption
I personally followed our application for this eve...

This is indeed very good news. Really feels like the place to be, for iExec. 🔥

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