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@KamuelBob after I initiated unstaking can I re-delegate before the

21 days period is over ?

12 ответов

9 просмотров

No, unless you cancel the unstake, you can't do any other action until the 21 days is over.

Wiseboy.eth-SS Автор вопроса
Wiseboy.eth SS
How to cancel the unstake?

That is a great question, I haven't done it before. I've heard that you can do it on wallet.keplr.app

Wiseboy.eth-SS Автор вопроса
Wiseboy.eth SS
How to cancel the unstake?

Very easy: go on keplr dashboard, click on staking , click on Your validator who have Your coins , on right will be an arrow click on it , it will show "unstaking under this will be button "cancel"" done and dusted, thank me later.

Wiseboy.eth-SS Автор вопроса
Damian Sta5iu
Very easy: go on keplr dashboard, click on staking...

I still cant manage. Cant find the option to cancel unstaking..

Damian Sta5iu

You on keplr? On laptop right ?

Wiseboy.eth-SS Автор вопроса
Wiseboy.eth SS

Hope u got it now.

Wiseboy.eth-SS Автор вопроса
Damian Sta5iu
Hope u got it now.

No option to cancel unstaking. I am pretty sure that is not possible now.

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