209 похожих чатов

Yea I hear you. I do. I guess here’s my

question honestly. I’m not cashing out all my hex on either chain and I have a bunch of stakes rn copied on both chains. I have a very small stake ending soon, and I do want to take “some” of that out as fiat. I totally get that pulsex is not a cex so on and off ramping directly there would be huge but I’m not expecting it… but let’s say I do end my stake for way cheaper on pulse. So now I have hex on pulse , what wallet can I get that into to either trade for Usdc or Usdt to eventually off ramp through my dex or cex of choice? Every wallet only offers ehex rn. It seems like hex on pulse at the moment can only exist on pulse and that’s kinda it. Which is great for a hodler and future prices. Bu5 as of rn if I end my stake on pulse. And I need to trade that hex for Usdt or simply keep it as hex on pulsechain, and let’s say send it to a wallet to buy something…or to a cex to cash out. How do I do that? I guess that’s the real question. Does the hex on pulsechain have to be bridged back to ethereum to do that?

7 ответов

20 просмотров

How to buy PLS: • read pinned messages for most recent Info • type !bridge for Bridge Information • Watch before using the bridge: https://youtu.be/16gS03Cqi9E • How to buy PLS https://youtu.be/t0rD5nZq2Dk • List of more useful guides / how to / learning videos: https://t.me/hexsettings/37 • List of GasStations, Crosschain Swaps, CEX etc here: https://t.me/hexsettings/32

Where to buy/sell HEX on Pulsechain (HEX): https://hex.com/buy (Guide) https://app.pulsex.com (Pulsechain DEX) Where to buy/sell HEX on Ethereum (eHEX): https://app.pulsex.com (Pulsechain DEX with bridged eHEX, cheapest option in terms of gas cost for a swap and thickest liquidity) https://app.1inch.io (DEX aggregator) https://ethhex.com (Uniswap DEX frontend) https://swap.cow.fi (DEX aggregator) https://uniswap.hedron.pro/#/swap?chain=mainnet&outputCurrency=0x2b591e99afe9f32eaa6214f7b7629768c40eeb39 (Hedron Uniswap v3 frontend) More onramp methods : Hexicans.info/onramps List of useful guides / how to / learning videos: https://t.me/hexsettings/37

Software wallets should always be used in conjunction with a HARDWARE WALLET like Trezor.io or ledger.com. While we don't recommend one wallet over another, here are some options: Rabby.io - Lots of convinience features thepulsewallet.org - Community built / new MetaMask.io - Can be buggy / lots of resources internetmoney.io - Community built / new getaurox.com - Trader focused, convinience Rabby, IM, Aurox overview: https://youtu.be/nr-vcahMZxo New to crypto & security: https://youtu.be/j7umB6coyWM Make sure you make BACKUPS of your seed words, ideally in steel or titanium. https://youtu.be/ult5myifpww NEVER SHARE OR TYPE YOUR SEED WORDS INTO A KEYBOARD.

https://imgur.com/a/I361fM3 PLS is the native coin of the Pulsechain Network and therefor doesn't have a contract address (same as ETH doesn't have one). DEX Website https://app.pulsex.com The PLSX contract. Decimal: 18 0x95b303987a60c71504d99aa1b13b4da07b0790ab The INC contract. Decimal: 18 0x2fa878Ab3F87CC1C9737Fc071108F904c0B0C95d The HEX contract. Decimal: 8 0x2b591e99afE9f32eAA6214f7B7629768c40Eeb39 Alternatively click the "Fox" icon On PulseX next to a token to add it to metamask automatically.

Ok, first, if you have an Ethereum wallet address, that same address can display all your PulseChain holdings. You just need to add the PulseChain RPC. Second, use Pulsex Dex to swap your Hex for the bridged version of what you want. You want USDC on Ethereum, swap for that. Then you can bridge that back to Ethereum Network. Or, you can use a crosschain swap. Or, you can send your Hex to one of the CEX'S on the list and trade. Most of them do a HEX/USDT pair. It's really hard to speak in vague generalities because there are so many options and variables. I would never tell someone to move $100 worth of coin across the official bridge because you could end up spending the whole amount on ETH gas fees to claim the transaction. So, you really need to go to PulseX DEX and see what options you have for swapping. You need to check out the various crosschain options and CEX's to understand how they work and what the fees are. Only then will you know what the best option is for YOUR situation.

Black Mamba (100% femme fatale, won't DM you without your consent)
Ok, first, if you have an Ethereum wallet address,...

Guide on how to unstuck transactions: To find your nonce use @iamstuckbot FIRST: https://metamask.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360015489251-How-to-Speed-Up-or-Cancel-a-Pending-Transaction SECOND: https://support.metamask.io/hc/en-us/articles/360015488891-How-to-clear-your-account-activity-reset-account If you can't swap, try PLS to PLSX, if that works and transactions comes up, the other token that doesn't work for you is most likely a scam or rebased token.

Black Mamba (100% femme fatale, won't DM you without your consent)
Ok, first, if you have an Ethereum wallet address,...

https://imgur.com/a/I361fM3 PLS is the native coin of the Pulsechain Network and therefor doesn't have a contract address (same as ETH doesn't have one). DEX Website https://app.pulsex.com The PLSX contract. Decimal: 18 0x95b303987a60c71504d99aa1b13b4da07b0790ab The INC contract. Decimal: 18 0x2fa878Ab3F87CC1C9737Fc071108F904c0B0C95d The HEX contract. Decimal: 8 0x2b591e99afE9f32eAA6214f7B7629768c40Eeb39 Alternatively click the "Fox" icon On PulseX next to a token to add it to metamask automatically.

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