210 похожих чатов

Can someone help with this please? To cancel unbouding period

of 21 days and resume staking

13 ответов

10 просмотров

There is no way to cancel unstaking

Wiseboy.eth-SS Автор вопроса

Try if there is an option via pc, not mobile

Wiseboy.eth-SS Автор вопроса
Nos 81
Try if there is an option via pc, not mobile

Yh I was trying with PC no options.

Wiseboy.eth SS
Yh I was trying with PC no options.

Yea no options just waiting 21 days

Wiseboy.eth-SS Автор вопроса

Option is there on cosmostation mobile

Wiseboy.eth-SS Автор вопроса
Option is there on cosmostation mobile

Is that an app? How I can access that on windows or iOS? Thanks bro

Wiseboy.eth-SS Автор вопроса
App Store has it

Thanks man. Have you tried it? Its safe completely right?

Wiseboy.eth-SS Автор вопроса
Option is there on cosmostation mobile

Where do you see that option exactly?

Wiseboy.eth-SS Автор вопроса
Option is there on cosmostation mobile

Ok found it but.. not possible to cancel unstaking

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