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In this group, who is investor of ltc since 2011

and he is still alive and never sold ?

20 ответов

42 просмотра

2011 ? I never saw anyone claiming 2011

STATIC- Автор вопроса
2011 ? I never saw anyone claiming 2011

I think that person is anonymous

Ltc was created in 2011, the only people aware of it back then were the women Coblee was bragging about it to to get laid

Bought 2013/14/15

Bought 2013/14/15

So you are at break even now👍

Hel (Never DM first)
Wife of coblee?!?

Oh dear, off to resolutions!!!

Ltc was created in 2011, the only people aware of ...

Akshually the announcement was made well in advance and people were aware of BTC for 2 years already so it was a fairer launch than BTC relatively speaking

Akshually the announcement was made well in advanc...

I remember that in his 10th year anniversary tweet

Hel (Never DM first)

Everybutty there ignoring Coblees wife

Everybutty there ignoring Coblees wife

Wait until you guys find out he got a sis

You too hel

Its was as a joke 🥺🥺


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