209 похожих чатов

14 ответов

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@AustenMilbarge @TMRERG

gilgaMesh (gilgaMesh)
@AustenMilbarge @TMRERG

Not I. Austen is the man for the job

GCX is about to drop a memeciun

kushti-khushi Автор вопроса
Austen Milbarge // GreasyCEX
What up?

All we’re saying is can you please create a memecoin called Ergodan and slap lil’ Reccips face on that bad boy

kushti khushi
How it will be emitted?

I have white paper in progress, don’t want to release publically yet… but it will technically be “rewards” for donating to the mission. Sending ERG+GCX get X amount of $GIF. Then % of all donations go to Liquidity.

Austen Milbarge // GreasyCEX
/t 696.9 greasycex

@AustenMilbarge sent a tip of 696.9 greasycex to @dadreboi!

Austen Milbarge // GreasyCEX
I have white paper in progress, don’t want to rele...

[sigmautxo] $GIF Whitepaper Goals: Step 1: Soon Step 2: Moon

Austen Milbarge // GreasyCEX
This would be traditional memecoin road map.

[sigmautxo] I'm excited. It's been too long since I got absolutely dusted on a memecoin.

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