209 похожих чатов

Can I please sign the main network contract? I didn't

find the explorer of this network on the Internet either. It seems that the project does not work on its own network, but on the Ethereum network...

4 ответов

9 просмотров


Hi Sejet, I hope you didn't DM the fake Mark. Please beware of impersonators. Also I just sent you the link where you can find information on the multiple blockchains in the SKALE Network. It includes RPC information, so that you can add those chains to your wallet.

For example, once you are on the SKALE Portal Chains page (the link I shared with you), you can click on any of the SKALE chains shown there, e.g. Nebula Gaming Hub, which will lead you to its own page https://portal.skale.space/chains/nebula, where you can find all sorts of information about that chain, including the RPC information and link to the block explorer. Clicking on the "Block Explorer" button on Nebula chain's page, will bring you to that chain's blockchain explorer: https://green-giddy-denebola.explorer.mainnet.skalenodes.com/ You can do the same (open its own chain page, get RPC info, go to its own block explorer) for all other blockchains shown on the SKALE Portal Chains page https://portal.skale.space/chains

Mark | I do not PM first
Hi Sejet, I hope you didn't DM the fake Mark. Plea...

For example, once you are on the SKALE Portal Chains page (the link I shared with you), you can click on any of the SKALE chains shown there, e.g. Nebula Gaming Hub, which will lead you to its own page https://portal.skale.space/chains/nebula, where you can find all sorts of information about that chain, including the RPC information and link to the block explorer. Clicking on the "Block Explorer" button on Nebula chain's page, will bring you to that chain's blockchain explorer: https://green-giddy-denebola.explorer.mainnet.skalenodes.com/ You can do the same (open its own chain page, get RPC info, go to its own block explorer) for all other blockchains shown on the SKALE Portal Chains page https://portal.skale.space/chains

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