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Who'S joining us on Bankless X Space to hear more

about Cartesi in less than 1 hour?

Tune in here: https://twitter.com/i/spaces/1BRJjPEbjVpKw

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Join in now as we go LIVE!

Cynthia-Gliga Автор вопроса

Don't miss the chance to listen to this Space guys from our co-founder Erick de Moura and core foundation member Felipe Argento! ⏰👆

Nida | Cartesi - Never DM first or ask for funds!
Don't miss the chance to listen to this Space guys...

Today's X Space broadcast with Bankless was great fam, and if you missed I highly recommend it, it's worth listening to, catch it here: 👉 https://x.com/BanklessHQ/status/1770472927374254258?s=20

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