209 похожих чатов

Hey, does anyone know the best website for Good Accounting

other people's HEX stakes?

5 ответов

16 просмотров

End stake calculates days, removes shares from pool & mints. Good accounting calculates days & removes shares from pool. This allows to mint at a later date. Either can prevent late end stake penalties.

HEX can't be turned off. There are numerous independently maintained HEX frontends: Ethereum network: go.hex.com (on IPFS) | app.icosa.pro | hexscout.com | go.tshare.app | apphex.win | backuphex.com | hexmob.win | hexcrypto.com | etherscan.io Pulsechain network: go.hex.com (on IPFS) | app.icosa.pro | hexscout.com | apphex.win | hexmob.win | hexcrypto.com | go.tshare.app | backuphex.com For more details see hexicans.info/hex-smart-contract

Also Communis.app where you can do it after 38 days and receive a 1% COM token bounty

etherscan or backuphex.com

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