209 похожих чатов

I was reading through the community chat and understood almost

nothing . As someone who is very new to crypto and blockchain and ergo , but with a background as a developer. Where do you recommend to get started ? General information about blockchain? Ergo crash course on youtube ?

6 ответов

6 просмотров

A few crash courses at the bottom of this section https://docs.ergoplatform.com/dev/get-started/#ergo-platform-overview

ROB- Автор вопроса
Glasgow|WON’T DM
A few crash courses at the bottom of this section ...

Thanks ! And sorry for not thinking about going to the documentation first 😅 😄

Glad you found PoW eUTxO... ask questions, lurk or even get involved with a project or Sigmanauts.

Thanks ! And sorry for not thinking about going to...

Welcome Rob, everyone is on a learning journey. Gotta start somewhere. 👍 I found these pictures pretty helpful https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/10gYO82z_7qloRrFOcCxTFuzpP40IImPyIKMV2ZFd9M4/mobilepresent?slide=id.g15bb726f904_0_31

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