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[Tonymas31] So if I understand correctly, you want us to

send you a white paper and a presentation brochure detailing the project?

While everyone knows that stablecoins will soon be regulated, as indicated by Circle, and that centralization will become increasingly prevalent in the ecosystem. Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) is also on the horizon, prompting governments to dispose of Tether, Binance, and all decentralized entities within their governance...

It is more than crucial that we can present this project to an L1 team that quickly grasps its importance and technicality.

3 ответов

8 просмотров
DiscordBridge- Автор вопроса

[qx()] Yes. Ergo is permissionless as I had said in the dev chat. Post a white paper and or presentation here and see what people think. The only reason to dm the Ergo Foundation is if you would like money. Otherwise, join the community and garner community and dev support that way.

DiscordBridge- Автор вопроса

[Glasgow] No L1 team as such so nobody for you to meet with.

DiscordBridge- Автор вопроса
[Glasgow] No L1 team as such so nobody for you to ...

[tonymas31] We'll check with the stability Nexus server members.

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