209 похожих чатов

I have coti deposite in tressury, since last year.. Now

what to do? I have more coti to add that position... Should i wait for unlock and lock again on 28th? With new tokens?

7 ответов

14 просмотров

Relocking is not mandatory, but if done, yields better rewards. Moreover, even if locked, it will not be a hard lock. You can withdraw anytime by paying normal treasury withdrawal fees.

mahendra-bhat Автор вопроса
Prince || COTI
Relocking is not mandatory, but if done, yields be...

I want to lock it again for better reward, but if unlocking and locking again i have to pay 1% fee then i wanto continue my current lock.. Is it possible or just wait for 28th them lock it again? With a transaction

mahendra-bhat Автор вопроса
mahendra bhat
Native viper wallet

Relocking doesn’t have any additional fees except transaction fees. If you intend to withdraw first in order to relock it, it will reset your seniority.

mahendra-bhat Автор вопроса
Prince || COTI
Relocking doesn’t have any additional fees except ...

No will wait till 28th then lock it then it won't reset seniority right?

mahendra bhat
No will wait till 28th then lock it then it won't ...

Locking(without withdrawing) doesn’t reset seniority.

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