withdraw and redeposit again (withdrawing deposits resets seniority). Your deposit is valid according to the time it has already spent in the Treasury.
When the program ends, you are able to widraw your coti OR been able to lock it again?
So am I correct it is not automatically widrawed back to the wallet after locked period ends ?
And can you also , leave it as it is ?
And if you performed 1 big lock , like 50k tokens .. can you (after it is unlocked) stake in parts without widraw it ? To keep the seniority for the cotiv2 campaign ?
Sorry, don't have experience with the widrawing and ending of locking things 😂
I can answer better if you could let me know if you are referring to erc20 or native
No, your native gCOTI deposits from Campaign turns into a normal treasury deposit once that campaign ends. It’s not automatically sent back to wallet, and neither do you need to withdraw if you wish to continue to V2 campaign(doing so also resets your seniority) And it is not possible to split a single deposit into multiple deposits. But yes, you can make multiple deposits though.
Thanks for the clarification .. to bad for the splitting is not possible .. To be in the early list .. I must did deposit all in once in less then 30 sec .. 😂 didn't had time to split it ..
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