209 похожих чатов

This is a deceptive request If you approve this request, a

third party known for scams will take all your assets.

See details

• Losing trade with suspicious patterns that carries the risk of substantial financial loss
• The recipient 0x15f009eba19d51d0c64d66ce1a2d96cda662b0f4 is untrusted EOA
Something doesn't look right?

14 ответов

44 просмотра

Ur good

I had the same message. I don’t think coti is trying to rug us

did someone contact you via dm?

Stefanos | Innovunode.io (afk)
i didnt get that message tho.

I see my money in the treasury so I’m not too concerned

Pieti-Patat #DED Автор вопроса
Johnny Thunder
Ur good

yeah .... i mean cant they fix that stuf .. doesnt feel nice in this wildwest to get a message like that .. doesnt boost convidence

Pieti Patat #DED
yeah .... i mean cant they fix that stuf .. doesnt...

It's a known false flag on metamask https://github.com/MetaMask/metamask-extension/issues/22062

Pieti-Patat #DED Автор вопроса
Pieti Patat #DED

I sent u a dm

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