209 похожих чатов

Why’s the coti pay app glitching out? Keeps saying password

must contain this and that but I’m doing that exactly that

5 ответов

6 просмотров

Coti viper app is no more supported. You will need to access the web version of the wallet.

Monkey D.-Luffy Автор вопроса
Prince || COTI
Coti viper app is no more supported. You will need...

That’s what I’m using the web app and it keeps saying that my passwords needs this and that but I did it like 5x

Monkey D. Luffy
That’s what I’m using the web app and it keeps say...

15 characters max, lower and upper and numbers right?

Monkey D.-Luffy Автор вопроса
Monkey D. Luffy
15 characters max?

Say it ain't enough, and I'll agree haha

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