209 похожих чатов

Hello to all Ocean members. I have one questions and

help would be more than preciated.
5 days ago i wanted to make bi-monthly clame for the staking rewards gained by active +passive stake, BUT, this time, when i press claim all...standard aproval by the wallet etc..and at the end, i there was no more my reworded Oceans. Neither on the wallet, neither where they were (in this REWARD page). But my amount for the transaction fees has been taken. So transaction was charged but my reward oceans are not visible any more?

3 ответов

4 просмотра

Send me Direct Message so I can assist you further and please ignore all DMs.

Andrea | Ocean Protocol | Data & AI
Send me Direct Message so I can assist you further...

Don’t send him a message because he’s not the admin here but a scammer !

You should have received the Ocean tokens as rewards.

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