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Hi, I have some $coti in a cex, what do

I need to do to start earning rewards? I plan to transfer the $coti to my ledger cold wallet, will I be able to earn rewards while it is in my cold wallet?

3 ответов

7 просмотров

If you don't have a cotipay wallet, the best bet right now to earn from our coti v2 airdrop is to connect to our treasury with your metamask wallet. Jump to the "new deposit" section of this article to see how; https://medium.com/cotinetwork/the-coti-v2-airdrop-is-now-live-442df163b10f

Jade- Автор вопроса
so no ledger supported?

link your ledger to metamask and enable blind signing on the eth app on ur ledger. then you can connect it with the treasury

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