210 похожих чатов

If you studied sales and marketing why don’t you take

initiative to make it happen yourself? Nice little thing about marketing is you don’t have to be a part of the actual team to do it… lol

6 ответов

8 просмотров

because I'm fully booked until 2025

Tate Widson
because I'm fully booked until 2025

I bet 50 dollars on you. That you lie. 😁😁😁

Shuchit Ghainder
I bet 50 dollars on you. That you lie. 😁😁😁

buddy i bet you i have more kda than whole your crypto portfolio together.

Tate Widson
buddy i bet you i have more kda than whole your cr...

I trust in @MikeHerron @CarlParkerDev they are working really hard and it shows 😁🎉

Shuchit Ghainder
I trust in @MikeHerron @CarlParkerDev they are wor...

We’re trying and I haven’t forgotten about reaching out to you on the content stuff. 👍

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