vote and say I locked 10k Ocean as veOcean for a total of 2 years and I have 6 months left until unlocking, I’m getting 25% APY on the remaining veOcean (as amount of veOcean decreases over time as unlocking period approaches) for the remaining 6 months or 25% of the total 10k veOcean?
Each address holding veOCEAN will be airdropped OCEAN in the amount of: (1.25^years_til_unlock) — 1) * num_OCEAN_locked. This means veOCEAN holders get a reward as if they had got payouts of 25% APY for their whole lock period (and kept re-upping their lock), but they get the payout soon, rather than over years of weekly DF rewards payouts. The calculation is based on the total amount of OCEAN locked, not on the diminishing veOcean as the unlocking period approaches [1]. Generated using AwesomeQA AI. Please rate this answer. 👍
Ok I think this answered my question thanks - 25% on the total and not the diminishing veOcean. So for 6 months if one staked initially 10k, one should expect 2500/4 (6 months left out of 24)
Yes, you understood correctly. The airdrop calculation for veOCEAN holders is based on the total amount of OCEAN locked, not on the diminishing veOCEAN. The formula for the airdrop is: airdrop = (1.25^(years_until_unlock) - 1)*locked_amount. This means that for a lock period, veOCEAN holders are rewarded as if they received a 25% APY for the entire duration of their lock, and not just the remaining time [1]. Generated using AwesomeQA AI. Please rate this answer.
if yes, then we are going to front-loads rewards for each player, for a period of time equivalent with their remaining locks, calculated at 25% APY.. formula is (1.25^(years_until_unlock) - 1)*locked_amount so, let's do some math.. You have 100 tokens locked, unlock time is in 3 months.. you will get (1.25^(0.25) - 1)*100 = 5..73 now and another 100 in 3 months (edited)
If we want to get more rewards then we can extend the lock period now to 2 years for example? And the will be anyways unlocked by the merge date?
Any actions taken by an account on locking / re-locking veOCEAN after the time of the snapshot will be ignored.
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