210 похожих чатов

8 ответов

10 просмотров

I don't think so. Just some corrections along the way

Bob 🤨- Автор вопроса
I don't think so. Just some corrections along the ...

I'm watching like a hawk. Things like this make me nervous

Bob 🤨
I'm watching like a hawk. Things like this make me...

I’m no what any good at this but I reckon people see 100% up for the day and back off. If it goes over by a decent amount for that 24 it can go nuts but who knows

Bob 🤨
I'm watching like a hawk. Things like this make me...

Dont worry bro, a rally like this isnt sustainable all the time. The ARRRBTC chart still looks pretty sexy

Bob 🤨
I'm watching like a hawk. Things like this make me...

Will be interesting to see if arrr can take the lvl at .00000059501

Bob 🤨- Автор вопроса
Bob 🤨

Almost there

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