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Do yall employ any software engineers at the moment?

1 ответов

8 просмотров

Here's the answer we got when asked about the team. 1. Can we get some information about who the new team? For example: What kind of experience do they have? Who are they? The new team has years of experience in blockchain. They are more than adequate to maintain the network. The core team will run the main node and help out on others and the rest will be community run. We’re currently working on new bios for everyone including ours to showcase a more in depth team bio. We stay maintain that our focus should on the network and not ourselves though. This will be out with the new lgcyscan and all in an official announcement. The new marketing team/incubators will announce their involvement on their end this next week and we’ll share. Expect a top Launchpad/incubator. Some already know but please let them announce as per our agreement with them.

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