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Mohammad- Автор вопроса
John Ricci

Is it recommended to store NEO tokens on OneGate ?

Is it recommended to store NEO tokens on OneGate ?

All the attached wallets above is Neo compatible. I have not heard anything negative about that wallet. Many use it along with others that are listed as well.

Mohammad- Автор вопроса
John Ricci
All the attached wallets above is Neo compatible. ...

I Just Created a OneGate wallet today, its ok. But it doesn't update my ballance ( shown in usd I mean ) Whats the best NEO wallet among the others that you recommend me to use?

I Just Created a OneGate wallet today, its ok. But...

Neonwallet.com and Neoline.io seem to be the most popular ones.

Mohammad- Автор вопроса

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