209 похожих чатов

What about DF? Will there need to be a voting

on this too?

5 ответов

9 просмотров


Regarding Data Farming (DF), the voting process is indeed related to a merger decision. The outcome of the vote will determine the distribution of rewards for those who have locked OCEAN for veOCEAN. A "yes" vote will lead to a specific distribution of rewards, while a "no" vote will result in the resumption of Passive DF & Volume DF as usual [1]. Generated using AwesomeQA AI. Please rate this answer.

Yeah, the bot said it right. Now you can expect a few weeks for your rewards. Don't worry)

X7- Автор вопроса
KreigDK | Never DM first🌊
Yeah, the bot said it right. Now you can expect a ...

Cool! So all my tokens are locked, so I just have to wait for your update. Cheers

Cool! So all my tokens are locked, so I just have...

Yeah) Don't worry and just relax now)

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