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What are the differences and benefits of COTI vs Railgun?

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If the team can compare it and publish a write up will be good.. we have been comparing to zk I think

One difference between RailGun and Coti V2, Is that Railgun is very focused in what it can do or what it protect. For RailGun as far as I know it's only balances , transactions and possibly token names that would be hidden/protected. However for Coti V2 Dapp developers can choose to protect any part of the data schema. With Coti V2, Dapp developers have the flexibility to protect any part of the data schema. This means that if you had your identity protect via COTI then Coti V2 can verify your identity without revealing all of your personal details. For example, if a gambling site wanted to prove your age to participate, it could prove only that you are over 21 and your country of residence and not give your name, DOB, address, or any other information from your ID. That's just one example but there are thousands of others, for example blind auctions where me and you could both bid for something but neither of us would know what the max bid is, which is usually good for the seller. Coti V2 could prove we both have funds to big without ever knowing how much we have, which is good for us.

Zippy Zoro | Resolute Node
One difference between RailGun and Coti V2, Is th...

It's even broader than that. With garbled circuits the complexity of the data plays no role at all. So it's not just making confidential transactions possible. Garbled circuits enable decentralized encrypted computation. An example of a super complex, but absolutely possible use case would be hospitals world wide submitting health data and universities can then use them for research - and in all that no actual patient data is revealed to anyone.

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