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What wallet application do you use?

Mr Global- Автор вопроса
Mr Global
Trust always

Please send me a DM admin never dm you first

Mr Global
Trust always

Ignore that scammer posing as Cameron, who invited you to DM them

Mr Global
Trust always

The latest version of the Trust Wallet app no longer supports WalletConnect V1, which is the version that the Kava app operates on because it replies on V1 for the BEP3 deputy bridge. However, there are a couple of workarounds that you can use. You can import your Trust Wallet application’s word seed phrase into Keplr Extension on your desktop or the Cosmostation mobile application to interact with the Kava app. Alternatively, you can wait until the BEP3 migration goes into effect, scheduled next week on the 24th.

Mr Global- Автор вопроса

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