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Hello everyone! We've curated a collection of validators, wallets, and

staking instructions for Band, all conveniently listed on dspense.com/band. Could you kindly take a moment to review the content and provide us with your feedback? We truly value your input. Thank you!

2 ответов

8 просмотров

Some validators have commission fees listed as 0, which is incorrect, such as Atomic Nodes and Injective Labs. In my opinion, the validator list should be sorted. You can refer to our validator list on our block explorer for reference: https://www.cosmoscan.io/validators. In addition to Atomic, Frontier, and cosmoscan.io (with ledger), Citadel.one, Cosmostation, Leap, and Keplr Wallet (with ping.pub) also support BAND staking. The 'About' section isn't properly aligned for mobile view; the links seem to be extending beyond the box.

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