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VIP-312 [Arbitrum] Venus Treasury and Oracles Summary If passed, this VIP will

perform the following actions:

- Transfer the ownership of the Venus Treasury on Arbitrum one to the Guardian wallet
- Configure the oracles on Arbitrum one for the initial Venus markets on that network


Following the community proposal [VRC] Deploy Venus Protocol on Arbitrum, and the associated snapshot, this VIP is the first one directly related to the deployment of the Venus protocol to this network.

Apart from the configuration of the Venus Treasury, this VIP configure the Venus Resilient Oracles on Arbitrum one, for the following markets:

- USDT: Chainlink - 0x3f3f5dF88dC9F13eac63DF89EC16ef6e7E25DdE7
- USDC: Chainlink - 0x50834F3163758fcC1Df9973b6e91f0F0F0434aD3
- WETH: Chainlink - 0x639Fe6ab55C921f74e7fac1ee960C0B6293ba612
- WBTC: Chainlink - 0x6ce185860a4963106506C203335A2910413708e9
- ARB: Chainlink - 0xb2A824043730FE05F3DA2efaFa1CBbe83fa548D6
- XVS: RedStone - 0xd9a66Ff1D660aD943F48e9c606D09eA672f312E8

The list of initial markets for Arbitrum one follows the Chaos labs recommendations.

Security and additional considerations in VIP Description.

🗳 https://app.venus.io/#/governance/proposal/312?chainId=56

3 ответов

28 просмотров

here we go ❤️

everyone vote for this

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