210 похожих чатов

5 ответов

14 просмотров

Yes Ledger

Yes Ledger

What about Trezor hardware wallet?

What about Trezor hardware wallet?

No , there is no Zilliqa support in Trezor hardware wallet

#201's the new #1 🇳🇿- Автор вопроса
Yes Ledger

So i should be able to send my Zilliqa from Zilpay wallet to a Ledger? Um, what about Exodus wallet..?

#201's the new #1 🇳🇿
So i should be able to send my Zilliqa from Zilpay...

Here is what i do, i connect to zillet or zillion,to connect to my ledger, then also use zilpay to interract with dapps etc. or send receive

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