210 похожих чатов

Fake Dorin DMs me anyway. Jeez, you lurking scammers can't

read, can you?

3 ответов

15 просмотров

⚠️Security Reminder Your safety is important. Mods will never DM first. This is a reminder to not use any links sent via DM or not published by the official LGCY Network Telegram channel @LGCYNetwork. If you received a message about a migration, please block and report the group. To update your settings: 1. Click on General Settings 2. Click on Privacy and Security 3. Under Privacy, click on Groups and Channels 4. Select My Contacts (you can also add exceptions) The only official channels are: Chat: https://t.me/LGCYNetwork Announcements: https://t.me/LgcyNetworkAnnouncements LGCYScan: https://lgcyscan.network Legion: https://t.me/LGCYLegion The only official admins are: @sigsoc @doringr @TheDangerDay @sam_e14crypto Please reassure any steps first with the admins. Stay safe!


Fake DM's because scammers know migration is occurring... attemptting to trick investors that the swap contract is already released...and advising investors to give up private keys. BEWARE

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