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Hello Bobby! You can read this documentation where everything is explained in detail https://docs.oceanprotocol.com/data-farming/predictoordf

The conditions for Predictoor DF rewards are as follows: OCEAN Rewards: A special “DF buyer” bot purchases Predictoor feeds daily, spending 1/7 of the weekly Predictoor OCEAN budget for a 24-hour subscription. ROSE Rewards: Payout happens on Mondays, 4 days after the end of the DF round. To be counted for ROSE rewards of a given DF round, you must claim your OCEAN rewards for that DF round. Payout for a given predictoor is pro-rata to the net earnings of that predictoor over that DF round, specifically (total sales $ to the predictoor) minus (predictoor stake slashed due to being wrong). https://docs.oceanprotocol.com/data-farming/predictoordf/predictoordf-guide

KreigDK | Never DM first🌊
The conditions for Predictoor DF rewards are as fo...

I want to add that Budget for Predictoor DF: 37.5K OCEAN + 20K ROSE weekly Recently, 94th Data Farming comes to end and 95th started from today, feel free to take part in 🌊 https://t.me/OceanProtocol/2979

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