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The community has been asking a lot of questions to

iExec. We’ve taken note of your questions and had internal discussions on the topics you’ve brought up.

I have a rough outline of what I want to write, but that’s going to take longer to officially put together (write, feedback, edit, approval, publish). The community is looking for answers now.

I’m going to try something new - I’m sharing the notes here and publishing a more detailed article later. That way you’re not waiting longer for some grand announcement.

Pros: you get quicker feedback
Cons: I might write something that will need to be edited/clarified/will change later

Terms and Conditions:
Anyone making a comment on any words/ideas/implications from this article agrees that this article may be edited/clarified/ or change later.

Let me know if message this is preferable to the “we’ll wait and see what iExec posts” method.

*Why change from JM’s vision (a marketplace) to today’s messaging (ecosystem)*

It’s not that we’re getting rid of the “marketplace” entirely. We felt we could get better adoption this new way. We’ve tried the Web2 approach and it wasn’t scalable.

JM’s strat: the fundamental need to transact RLC. That’s still here. We just got rid of the branding (too Web2) and the way users interact (going thru an intermediary to buy services in Web3). You use a wallet to interact with other Web3 services, right? So, same approach here.


We researched over a year. One example we found: the only Web3 “marketplaces” that are successful are NFT marketplaces.

*New strategy: build an ecosystem*

We build an ecosystem of partners to increase adoption.

Main objective is to increase utility to and value of RLC. Token is the center of this strategy. Users would need to hold RLC in their wallet to buy, sell, earn.

*Worker Pools*

Working on getting partners to launch worker pools. Some things to figure out: what are specifics of this (partner will specific how to set this up - what tasks, who participates, etc.)

Marketing questions - still getting specifics

AI questions - still getting examples of some research of use cases

A few parties that are going to be in the ecosystem:

- to use iExec tools using RLC
- use “vouchers” or “building credits” to access iExec tools
- (we built out iExec tools to make it easy to build, now we’re going after the builders to use these tools; this is why we’re forming our partnerships)
- going after builders first

- connect wallet to iExec
- can monetize their data (paid in RLC - think Privacy Pass)
- can spend RLC too

TL;DR - builders build. To build, they spend RLC. Users get paid for data (in RLC) or come in and spend (in RLC).

@METHANON Jdr @Alljackedup phb @mantiss3 @mohmirzaei T @cryptosalaam

P.S. I tagged Meth because he’s an OG.

1 ответов

32 просмотра

Appreciate this Rafal. Smart move. Very interested in reading the more detailed final version soon.

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