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Here'S your chance to vote for our next Telos merch


What do you want the most? 👀🤔

Poll here 👉 https://x.com/MosaicBP/status/1803079085775609991

7 ответов

2 просмотра

Think it would be good idea to run giveaways on merch every so often to reward community engagement and get more attention. Love the work you guys are doing keep it up. Telos the world.

Mosaic Blocks- Автор вопроса
Think it would be good idea to run giveaways on me...

Agreed! In fact we just did a giveaway last month and intend on doing additional giveaways! 😇 Who knows.... Maybe we'll have a sweater up for grabs soon 👀

Mosaic Blocks- Автор вопроса
What does the drip look like?

Hoodies we just released are honestly dope. Super soft inside, embroidered and available in a bunch of diff summer colours. Here's an IRL pic:https://x.com/MosaicBP/status/1804098262900564288 PS. if you do decide to buy, please be sure to use our Telos x ETHCC discount code for 35% off the entire order: ETHCC2024

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