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OKX does what Telos does? OKX Ventures invests $12M in

zero-knowledge startup Cysic

OKX Ventures announced a $12 million investment in Cysic, a company specializing in zero-knowledge hardware acceleration. The startup aims to expedite ZK-proof generation, a process currently slowed down by CPU processing speed. Cysic focuses on ASIC design and GPU engineering to offer enterprise-grade ZK compute-as-a-service. The funds from this investment will support Cysic’s global expansion, employee hiring, and hardware production.

1 ответов

6 просмотров

This is very bullish for Telos. The fact that OKX Venture is investing in hardware acceleration technology for ZK indicates that Telos has taken the right path. As John said, Telos has decided to build targeting an emerging market, so it's time to position itself. On the other hand, there are several companies that are dedicated to developing technology for hardware acceleration, the main idea was not John Lilic, but I suppose that as an angel investor and OG he has the capacity and contacts to detect future successful narratives. In addition, someone already created the first ASIC for hardware acceleration for ZK. The thing is that Telos is working on a Hardware-Software co-design. I have yet to see another blockchain project that has this approach. Companies are developing technology to sell in blockchain projects, but Telos is designing its own software and hardware. You have to prepare because this will probably be a very competitive market.

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