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@Marycamacho @dcatki @alastairong If I understood correctly, before the

launch, all holoport owners will be allowed to join the network. I have a holoport but am not in the alpha test network. I will go on vacation this summer but would like to be able to join before the launch. The problem I'm encountering is that when I leave my holoport on, it shuts down the internet, preventing me from joining the network from a distance before the launch. I believe many others are facing the same issue and are going on vacation. Is there a possibility that this bug will be fixed by mid-July so more holoports can register entering the network from a distance?

4 ответов

18 просмотров

You can offer your hosting services after the network has launched. Not before.

Because of the bug: the form is the best place to get help for that.

Please, this is a question for the forum 😃🙏👍

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