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[C8] @mgpai where is the hodlERG3 token logo for ergo?

10 ответов

9 просмотров

I think I put it in spectrum and nautilus repos at one time.

DiscordBridge- Автор вопроса
I think I put it in spectrum and nautilus repos at...

[c8] you can check it's not loading on spectrum, the link is pointing to a discord file that is no longer available

[c8] you can check it's not loading on spectrum, t...

Weird. It should be using the image in their git repo like the rest.

DiscordBridge- Автор вопроса
Weird. It should be using the image in their git r...

[c8] do you know by chance where exactly that image is?

[c8] do you know by chance where exactly that imag...

here is my submission on nautilus as well: https://github.com/nautls/nautilus-wallet/blob/master/public/icons/assets/hodlerg3.svg

DiscordBridge- Автор вопроса
DiscordBridge- Автор вопроса

[mgpai] checking

DiscordBridge- Автор вопроса

[mgpai] https://github.com/nautls/nautilus-wallet/blob/master/public/icons/assets/hodlerg3.svg

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