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[Donalddd2998] Guys, the liquidity is very low in spectrum which

is the main exchange. Especially in new assets. Who is going to use Rosen to ergo ecosystem if they can't even trade 10k ada or 0.1 rsBTC without loss?

The foundation and the whales need to support liquidity. Imagine I would use Uniswap to trade a bridged asset with ETH and there would be no liquidity...

2 ответов

9 просмотров
DiscordBridge- Автор вопроса

[c8] i don't think there are any incentives yet to bridge to ergo, first some defi has to be built, that creates opportunity

DiscordBridge- Автор вопроса
[c8] i don't think there are any incentives yet t...

[donalddd2998] The incentive will not come if there is no liquidity. Seeing that Ergo whales work against us is even more frustrating. We have ada bridged for months yet if you try to trade 1-2k of ada with erg there is a 5% price penalty. Major coins such as ada BTC etc need to be heavily supported. I'm not saying to do this for shitcoins

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