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Morning Nelly and Blair. I hope the team is ready

to bring out the big guns this week re market bullishness: AI and Public Worker Pools. Please give it focus and offer updates and hopium. RLC/BTC and cmc rank are now in a very scary place imo..

And would be appreciated if some of the concerns addressed this weekend are attended to. Among others: If the privacy email tools in fact aren’t safe, that’s a real concern right?

Oh and if there’s so much focus on Decc and Confidential Computing, why aren’t these tags added to the #AI and #Depin tags in the iExec X bio?

Btw I signed up for Privacy pass 3 times but have yet to receive the confirmation email.

7 ответов

20 просмотров

on the sign up question: Emails are being sent in batches and we are now at about 50%.

Jdr- Автор вопроса

So adding #decc to your X bio when you want to go all in on decc doesn’t make sense to the team? I just don’t get how this team thinks

Jdr- Автор вопроса
So adding #decc to your X bio when you want to go ...

Your friends in decc are clever enough to do so..

screenshot Your friends in decc are clever enough to do so..

It reminds me Secret NFT vs Cnft . The former delivered successfully and the latter hasnot delivered at all.

Jdr- Автор вопроса
Martin | iExec - DevRel
screenshot You asked 😉

I’ll take that as a “many many thanks for suggesting this and being so observant, and sorry for having to repeat your suggestion twice! Wow, a bit embarrassing we with a company of 60+ employees didnt think of this ourselves..” Welcome Martin, good to have you here 😉

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