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you can use Dash tips bot for send tips: @dashtipbot

A-I Автор вопроса
you can use Dash tips bot for send tips: @dashtip...

Thank you for information. I just wondering about how much dash Blockchain can make transactions per second? Maybe you can help me with this information, because on internet there are a lot of different information

Tried searching? As you can imagine, this has been asked before. Many times. https://t.me/dash_chat/1/334740

Why are you actually asking about TPS?

Read this: https://blockchain.asu.edu/block-propagation-applied-to-nakamoto-networks Currently it's set at 2mb, which is roughly 8x Bitcoin's capacity, but it's easy to make it 5x more than that even without much trouble, just a couple simple changes

A-I Автор вопроса
A-I Автор вопроса
Why are you actually asking about TPS?

To be able to understand how fast is blockchain

To be able to understand how fast is blockchain

Also depends on what you mean by "fast". Dash transactions are settled in ~2 seconds, which is just about as fast as it gets

Also depends on what you mean by "fast". Dash tran...

this 2 seconds is six blocks for btc so 60 minuts

To be able to understand how fast is blockchain

Yes, but what are you ultimately concerned about? Are you worried your transactions get stuck in a congested blockchain? Are you comparing different currencies just out of curiosity? Are you worried about fee spikes? Or thinking of a massive use case that might max out the chain? Something else?

A-I Автор вопроса
Yes, but what are you ultimately concerned about? ...

Thinking of nassivetuse case that might max out the chain?

Thinking of nassivetuse case that might max out th...

OK, which one? Do you have something specific in mind? Or is it just a vague concern about scalability?

A-I Автор вопроса
OK, which one? Do you have something specific in m...

It’s a question about bandwidth. So do you know an answer?

It’s a question about bandwidth. So do you know an...

Did you read the ASU research paper? That has your answer short-term. But long-term Dash is going for max on-chain scaling.

It’s a question about bandwidth. So do you know an...

Yes, it's one measure that determines bandwidth. But without more context, it's like asking "How many horsepowers does your car have?" without thinking about what kind of car you're actually talking about. Do you want a drag racer for max acceleration? A Formula 1 car for max top speed? A truck for max cargo load? Sure, horsepower is important, but depending on your use case, many other things play a role - gear ratio, torque, tyre size, weight of the car etc. Just comparing the horsepowers of a truck with the horsepowers of an F1 racer is pointless. That's why I was asking why TPS is ultimately important to you. What do you actually want to do?

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