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Well, since you asked…😉 #useful 1 Why does Gilles not

show himself regularly on socials. Other leaders do. It feels like he sometimes gets a push to do so and posts for some weeks. And then goes dark for months and months and months.
2 Why has the French core team decided to go dark in general? Hiring external foreign CMs living abroad to “deal with” the community, whilst hardly having any info/knowledge to share. Clearly letting them fill the void without proper backup. This has hurt the community so badly. Stating “we have a thriving community” (website iExec) or “our community is our number 1 priority” (in TG) is currently simply false. Currently, the iExec community chats are close to being dead. Does the team even feel like they need a lively, enthusiastic and aligned community?
3 Remember when Anthony actually showed himself on TG. Community for once felt taken seriously. The vibe immediately changed for the better. It blows my mind that the French team doesnt show itself and communicate with community regularly. Other projects do.
4 Does the team care about long time holders, and trying to keep them on board? If so, why does team not show any appreciation? Both in view of communication and alignment, but also in view of the products (worker pass etc).
5 Why did the team not pro-actively update the community on the strategy change to ecosystem instead of marketplace? Why only after community pushed and pushed.
6 Why did the team scale back on updating the community? No more bi-monthly community update. No more Friday weekly update.
7 Why did the team not inform the community about Moonen leaving (I’m not talking about the reasons why, but the mere fact), whilst his appointment was made out to be a huge deal in community communication. Does the team not understand the impact of the comminity having to find out by no longer seeing him on the website?
8 What ever happened with the mentioned pilot for the new community strategy? And the strategy itself?
9 The iExec main X account is clearly way more active than it used to be. Progress! But why does team not care about creating a solid and strong community on X to actually push the main account? I am told there is hardly any budget lt to do this. And it shows. Community posts are currently 99% very bad quality, zero creativity, copy-paste from what main account wrote and community posts don’t get any views at all.
10 Why is the trello roadmap so limited and non-professional? Look and learn from other projects. Examples have been shared in TG.
11 Why are community leaders dealing with marketing all the time, instead of the marketing department? Eg decision not to go for paid DP v2 launch. Writing marketing articles. Etc. If community leaders could focus on community, it might be in a better place. If marketing department (containing several enployees) would focus on marketing, there may actually be any marketing (not only plans and being “prepared” to put money in marketing another time).
12 Honest question: can you list the things the marketing department has done in the last 2 years?
13 Has the team hired someone to make sure that all articles are picked up by the relevant media? And that RLC is listed in all relevant categories? And to stay on top of this, all the time?
14 Why did NFT badges meet your ROI test? There have been so many good suggestions by the community. And NFT badges are completely different than anything suggested. It also doesnt feel like an iExec fit at all. Contrary to what has been suggested by a CM, it definitely did not help get the iExec account to 90k+ followers. That’s just wishfull thinking.
15 Why aren’t there any real updates on the AI part of the roadmap? Half a year has gone by with nothing. Why is there no focused and clear AI roadmap? Just random bits and pieces in the overall roadmap? Why has iExec not hired more 100% dedicated AI employees. Only an intern. Whilst AI is mentioned as a significant part of the roadmap.

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