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So when you said you could make dgb chain to

something akin to ham radio, you actually meant to make DigiByte chain into a radio? What is the motivation for users to either pick up “news” from the chain or “broadcast” news to it? What is your target group, and why would they pick the blockchain instead of the original source where you are already getting the “news” from?

8 ответов

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Here you can find all the DigiByte Telegram Groups.

The motivation would be similar to those who use actual ham radio. It would be to communicate using a different medium. Some would do so as a "SHTF" exercise or simply as a hobby. The interns would get college credit and would learn Git, Godot, Rest API, and blockchain. Radio is also used to broadcast news in past unfriendly borders such as Cuba to US or the reverse. People in this group would have a use case for DGB other than as a speculative financial investment. Finally, this is "Web3" and the project would fit into a bigger UX end user solution where a gaming identity can be supported by message signing. In this bigger solution, DGB could be an alternative to EVM-based solutions.

The motivation would be similar to those who use a...

Here you can find all the DigiByte Telegram Groups.

Here you can find all the DigiByte Telegram Groups...

And it seems like much of the discussion here is about identity verification and the value or frustration caused by Rose. In telegram, there seems to be a huge identity issue which blockchain-focuses groups such as this ironically face-- even as the core tech that they discuss offers free and opened self sovereign (SSI) solutions.

And it seems like much of the discussion here is a...

Here you can find all the DigiByte Telegram Groups.

And it seems like much of the discussion here is a...

If your frustrated by rose your either a scammer(not saying you specific but those frustrated by rose) or really going to hate an open system where she isn't there. There is a reason we automate as much of the spam removing as possible. There is a lot of it.

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