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“⚠️ Testnet Trading Competition Update ⚠️ @everyone TL;DR - Round 4 is

a wrap! Mainnet release targeted for less than two weeks from now.

Thank you everyone for participating and making this round the best one yet!

A huge congrats to all of those who placed. The gains this round were insane thanks to the big volatility and moves in the market.

The full results of the round are available [here](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1xj3kim0V18jh5CgRoNB7L3ZbMbhmz248qkVm_XyyMp0/edit?gid=223318979#gid=223318979).

Testnet Comp Payouts

We’re wrapping up the development of the payout system. Users will connect their winning wallets to the same testnet version of the application to claim. Users will pay gas to claim, and claiming will be done on ETH L1. The claim system will be available around the same time as the mainnet launch.

Mainnet Timeline

This last round was a major success with no new major issues discovered. At the same time our immunefi bounty continues to run with no new issues reported.

We’ve been working in parallel to deploy the mainnet version of XCHAIN and IDEX and we are almost done. Provided things go well we’ll be working to onboard market makers mid/late next week. We expect that to take about a week after which we’ll open things up to the public.

Thank you again GOATs for making these competitions a bunch of fun. We’re leaving with a stronger community and a battle hardened app ready for mainnet launch.

Can’t wait to get this thing live!”

This was the latest update shared on Discord by Alex, stay tuned please for more info on mainnet

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14 просмотров

@GLNextround share your strategy with us 🫶😇👏

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