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Would band play a part in being able to authenticate/verify

digital content in the future? With the increasing adoption of AI and the simplicity of replicating/duplicating content, you just can’t tell what’s real and what’s not anymore

3 ответов

12 просмотров

That's an interesting one! Though, I personally can't give assertive opinion on this, but I bet this is something that the team will most likely look into (could be working on it as we speak 😅). AI is getting pretty good at generating contents so that kind of tool will be super relevant. I'd gladly say yes, Band will play a role definitely, after all, we are oracles 😎

Charlie- Автор вопроса
That's an interesting one! Though, I personally ca...

Yeah I think it’d be definitely worth exploring. Every day we become more digital than the one before, AI will change the whole social / economic landscape and projects like band really could utilise that space

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