your request or, to remove restrictions, order a dedicated full node here:
allnodes com/eth/host " }, payload={ "id": 47, "jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "eth_getLogs", "params": [ { "fromBlock": "0xe37995", "toBlock": "
0xe3799a", "topics": [ [ "0x526e31449ea46e2aecf9b480c8d7dfa191348ef74ffdf75b
445a6ab726daa6ff", "0x5463569dcc320958360074a9ab27e809e8a6942c394fb151d139b5
f7b4ecb1bd", "0x6de6cd3982065cbd31ee789e3109106f4d76d1c8a46e85262045cf947fb3f
d4ed", "0x7d0aa581e6eb87e15f58588ff20c39ff6622fc796ec9bb664df6ed3eb02442c9",
"0xa8336411cc72db0e5bdc4dff989eeb35879bafaceffb59b54b37645c3395adb9", "0xe1
c4fa794edfa8f619b8257a077398950357b9c6398528f94480307352f9afcc", "0xe50f9919
fdc524004a4ee0cb934f4734f144bec0713a52e5483b753f5de0f08c", "0xe5c4cf86b18151
51e6f453e1e133d4454ae3b0b07145db39f2e0178685deac84", "0xeb7a353641f7d3cc54b4
97ef1553fdc292b64d9cc3be8587c23dfba01f310b19" ] ] } ] }, code=UNKNOWN_ERROR,
ocean-node | Consider that there may be an issue with your RPC provider. We
recommend using private RPCs from reliable providers such as Infura or Alch
ocean-node | 2024-10-15T21:35:12.276Z info: INDEXER: INDEXER:
ork: mainnet Reducing chunk size 3
ocean-node | 2024-10-15T21:35:12.290Z info: INDEXER: INDEXER:
last indexed block : 14907802
Error sir ? But my node not showing in dashboard ocean node map
The error you are seeing is related to your RPC provider. It is recommended to use a private RPC from reliable providers such as Infura or Alchemy to resolve this issue. This should help your node to be properly indexed and visible on the dashboard. Generated using AwesomeQA AI. Please rate this answer.
There is already a clue in your error if you look at the logs. The error you're encountering is likely due to using a free public RPC, which can be unreliable. It's recommended to switch to a private RPC from a reliable provider such as Infura or Alchemy to resolve this issue. This should help in avoiding the error message and ensure smoother operation of your node.
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