Easiest way is probably to buy a few dollars worth via a Cross Chain Swap
Where to buy/sell HEX on Pulsechain (HEX): https://hex.com/buy (Guide) https://app.pulsex.com (Pulsechain DEX) Where to buy/sell HEX on Ethereum (eHEX): https://app.pulsex.com (Pulsechain DEX with bridged eHEX, cheapest option in terms of gas cost for a swap and thickest liquidity) https://app.1inch.io (DEX aggregator) https://ethhex.com (Uniswap DEX frontend) https://swap.cow.fi (DEX aggregator) https://swap.hedron.pro (Hedron Uniswap v3 frontend) More onramp methods : Hexicans.info/onramps List of useful guides / how to / learning videos: https://t.me/hexsettings/37
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