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Hi all, just recently started with the luna ecosystem. I

have 2 questions-

1. What is the minimum amount of luna to be staked for airdrop? anything else I should know apart from staking it on terra station?
2. Are the fees around $0.8 per transaction/swap?
3. What is the biggest swap/dex on terra?

4 ответов

8 просмотров

1 minimum is 50 Luna to be profitable. 2 after col 5 we will have lower fees. Temporarily raised against spam 3 terraswap.io

Tux- Автор вопроса

1. Can you share a link to read more (if possible) 2. Are fees lower if i use luna for fees instead of UST? 3. thanks

When is the col 5 launching?

In about 15 days there's a countdown timer

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