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Anyone know how to join the cosmos discord? There was

a pinned message a while back but no info on invite ect

10 ответов

14 просмотров

I'm having problems too. I documented it here: https://github.com/cosmos/sdk-tutorials/issues/815

Scotty- Автор вопроса

Cool cool. Really want to be a fly on the wall in there haha

I want to build but I'm not doing it without proper support from the community

Does this link work for you? https://discord.gg/vcExX9T

it doesn't. I get the same error message

Okay we'll wait for Daniela because I'm not sure what the situation with that is.

Scotty- Автор вопроса


I tried a new browser. I've gotten to the point where Discord wants me to "claim" an account on your server. when I enter my e-mail address it indicates that it's already registered. and it won't accept my password. what do you recommend?

if it's already registered try with a new email, because I cannot "reset" the account if already in the database

the thing is that the window it presents is for registration. it is not a login window. if I attempt to connect to your server from the desktop app, I’m already logged into many other servers with my account but your server still requires me to register and then won’t accept my registration. if your server already has my account then I just need a way to log into it

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