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What would be the benefit for a project to want

to run on injective chain? Other than the speed, there are a lot of fast chains coming out now

12 ответов

11 просмотров

Hey, each relayer as a separate exchange that will have its own marketing team and support. Therefore Injective can get quite the exposure as more people/teams start to build/run their own relayers.

OTB- Автор вопроса

Are there other benefits/synergies for say a lending platform or nft marketplace to want to run on injective chain?

I think the large userbase from.dex is one.. Other would be the security offered by cosmos tendermint.. Finally the whole experience of availing these services through our hub is definitely a big positive

OTB- Автор вопроса

The ready made community the derivatives platform will create was the main thing i was thinking about. What benefit will the hub bring to projects?

The customer experience plus one stop solution..we potentially would be like WALMART of Defi

OTB- Автор вопроса

So the hub would help projects build out their idea?

As you can see the various services which would be offered could all be availed through the HUB... We will keep adding more tabs as we rollout more functionalities in the future..

Will potentially serve as a point of access...

OTB- Автор вопроса

Thanks for the info. Does any chain usage/interactions that doesnt run through the trading platfrom (like lending) lead to token burns? How is that value captured? Assuming its just network fees

Considering that we have just rebranded a month ago, I guess more clarity on these aspects would emerge in the future once these services are actually provided..

OTB- Автор вопроса

Yeh ok thats fair enough. Thanks for your help


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