209 похожих чатов

Hey - are there any plans to integrate injective protocol

with cosmos IBC so can bring injective token to cosmos ecosystem?

8 ответов

4 просмотра

Yes we intend to do so soon..

[CoJoe]- Автор вопроса

whoa, thats amazing - any rough timeline? before the end of the year?

Hopefully before the end of the year..

[CoJoe]- Автор вопроса

awesome - and will that allow staking/governance etc. through keplr wallet?

It might..We have not made a decision regarding the same..

[CoJoe]- Автор вопроса

ah okay - would be amazing if that were integrating, it's such a good experience keeping track of your projects, staking, governance all in same wallet, really helps keep on top of things and spot any upcoming votes rather than having to go to seperate websites/daps

I understand .. We would surely consider this when taking a final decision in this regards..

[CoJoe]- Автор вопроса

perfect, thanks! 🙏

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